When it comes to premium quality Concrete Batching Plant, then Mortek Machinery Pvt. Ltd is known as a one stop destination to obtain the same. We are a prestigious Manufacturer & Supplier of Concrete Batching Plant in Nagpur, Maharastra - India. This automatic batching equipment is provided with electric scale for accurate measurement.
Details :
We mortek Machinery are leading manufacturer of fly ash bricks machine based in Ahmedabad Gujarat. We offering our products to required customers worldwide. Our Machinery are manufacturing under highly qualified engineers and we also have well equipped setup in our factory in Vatva gidc Ahmedabad.
We believe in quality products to our customers and we all believe in after Sales services we all ready installed morethen 200 plant in all over India and abroad also. We have huge satisfied clientele.
3206, Phase-4, G.I.D.C., Vatva Ahmedabad,Gujarat India - 382445,Ahmedabad -382445,Gujarat (India)